We have a 15-day exchange policy, which means you have 15 days after receiving your item to request an exchange or voucher.
All items must be returned in their original, unwashed condition with original tags attached and in their original packaging. If not, we will not accept your return and will send it back to your original shipping address. You will also need a receipt or proof of purchase.
Please contact us by e-mail at the following address to arrange an exchange:
If your exchange is accepted by UNCINQUANTESIX, we will send you a shipping label, along with instructions on how and where to send your package. After receiving the shipping label, you have 5 days to send the package. After 5 days, your exchange will be refused. Items returned to us without a prior request for an exchange will not be accepted.
When returning items outside the European Union, you may be charged import duties. These are charged once the package reaches its destination country, and customers must collect them. Please note that we will deduct the import duties associated with your return from your refund. We cannot accept returns on sale items.
When purchasing a pre-order item, the buyer should know that the item was made to order for them. There is no stock; each item is handmade following your order, so you have full responsibility for it and returns are not possible on this type of merchandise.